How does pregnancy effect tattooing?

If you are pregnant we cannot tattoo you. This is partially because the pain that you will feel will cause elevated stress hormones that can cause discomfort to your unborn child.
Artwork of sleeve tattoo designs

If you are pregnant we cannot tattoo you. This is partially because the pain that you will feel will cause elevated stress hormones that can cause discomfort to your unborn child and in extreme cases can trigger miscarriage, and partly because there is a risk (however small) of infection throughout the healing process of the tattoo.

ANY avoidable risk is unacceptable during pregnancy. Because of this we ask you to wait 6 months after the birth of your child before having a tattoo. We ask you to wait the extra time because, both during pregnancy and after, your body goes through huge changes and these changes can affect your immune system and healing times.

Breastfeeding is also reason to avoid a tattoo. Again, your body will have gone through many changes and you need to wait until it is back to it’s pre-pregnancy state. Breastfeeding can cause a slowing of the tattoo healing time and any risk of infection whilst you are breastfeeding is a risk to your child. Because of this we ask that you wait until after you finish breastfeeding before we will tattoo you.